Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Installing Gradle in Ubuntu

Install Gradle on Ubuntu Linux
Step-by-step instructions
Gradle is a Java build system. It uses a clean, simple configuration syntax and is used by Android as the default build system. For API development, Gradle is supported by Spring.
Installation is quick and simple. We are going to install a private copy so that root permissions are not required during development.

Download Gradle

mkdir -p ~/opt/packages/gradle && cd $_

Install and setup Gradle

Next, we will create a symlink that provides a shorter path to the specific Gradle version. The symlink will allow us to upgrade Gradle later without changing any other configuration.
ln -s ~/opt/packages/gradle/gradle-2.3/ ~/opt/gradle
Open your .profile file in vi, emacs, or gedit.
gedit ~/.profile
Paste the following at the bottom of your .profile file.
# Gradle
if [ -d "$HOME/opt/gradle" ]; then
    export GRADLE_HOME="$HOME/opt/gradle"
Finally, source your .profile and test gradle.
which gradle
gradle -version
Congratulations, you now have a working Gradle installation.

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