Friday, October 8, 2010

Configure Netbeans with Jdk at Ubuntu

recently I have tried to use the netbeans for programming Java at my ubuntu platform. For this purpose I hacve to wandering many paths. I spent a little more times for that purpose. At the end I came to undersatnd if I wolud followed the following steps one after another I complete to satrt quickly

1.Install JDK atfirst
Downlaod JDK for ubuntu(.bin formated) from the following link

Download JDK

To install it, at first keep the downloaded file at the desired location of you.
Opening the Terminal, go to that location using the command
(i.e for keeping the file in desktop)

cd ~/Desktop

After that,Run the script:

sh jdk-6-linux-i586.bin

By following those steps you have completed the jdk installation successfully.

2.Netbeans Intallation
Download the OS independent Zip from the following link

Download Netbeans OS Independent Version

I like to use OS independent version as it can be used in all platforms. So,
just download One and use it everywhere.

After Downloading the Zip folder, you need to unzip it. And actually Unzipping
the folder is the installation of the Netbeans.

3.Run Netbeans
Our target is to run the netbeans in ubuntu. So we have to use the terminal for
running it. Opening the terminal, we have to write the command

We may face a error to switch the Java location for running netbeans. As we
have not kept the jdk at the default location of netbeans.

So we need to switch the location through wrtting the location at the end of previous command as

location/netbeans/bin/netbeans --jdkhome /location/jdk1.6.0_21

For my case, the command line was
/media/Campus/JavaEE/netbeans/bin/netbeans --jdkhome /home/paul/jdk1.6.0_21

Its a hazard to write the command everytime I want to run the netbeans. For removing this problem, I made an Launcher with the commandline at my desktop. And this helps me to start the netbeans easily.

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