Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Memory usage for AMM RAC database and changing RAC database to ASMM

SQL> select sum(bytes/1024/1024) Current_SGA_SIZE_in_MB from v$sgastat;
SQL> select sum(bytes/1024/1024) MAX_SGA_SIZE_in_MB from  v$sgainfo    where name = 'Maximum SGA Size';
SQL> show parameter memory_max_target;
NAME                     TYPE     VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
memory_max_target             big integer 1600M
SQL> select (value/1024/1024) Current_PGA_IN_USE_in_MB from v$pgastat where name = 'total PGA inuse';
SQL> select (value/1024/1024) MAX_PGA_ALLOCATED_in_MB from v$pgastat where name = 'maximum PGA allocated';
SQL> select (value/1024/1024) PGA_TARGET_in_MB    from v$pgastat where name = 'aggregate PGA target parameter';

Memory usage of exisitng AMM: 
 - memory reserved  for PGA/SGA: 8 GB 
 - current PGA size 790 MB
 - current SGA size 1804 MB
 - free memory for future PGA/SGA usage: ~ 2.5 GB

For switching ASMM this can be translated into 
  SGA_MAX_SIZE             : 3 GB
  SGA_TARGET               : 3 GB

For further tuning check : V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE

Execute the  following commands.
Disable AMM
  SQL> alter system reset memory_max_target scope=spfile  sid='*';
  SQL> alter system reset memory_target  scope=spfile  sid='*';

Enable ASMM
  SQL> alter system set SGA_MAX_SIZE=3G scope=spfile  sid='*';
  SQL> alter system set SGA_TARGET=3G scope=spfile  sid='*'; 
  SQL> alter system set PGA_AGGREGATE_TARGET=2G scope=spfile  sid='*';  

Reboot database and verify that we have switched from AMM to ASMM
SQL> show parameter memory
NAME                     TYPE     VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
memory_max_target             big integer 0
memory_target                 big integer 0
--> AMM disabled 

SQL> show parameter sga
NAME                     TYPE          VALUE
------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
sga_max_size             big integer 3G
sga_target               big integer 3G

SQL> show parameter pga
NAME                     TYPE     VALUE
------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
pga_aggregate_target     big integer 2G

--> ASMM enabled !

Friday, September 6, 2019

OPatch, Mainting patches in Oracle Database

OPatch is an Oracle utility that assists us to apply interim patches to Oracle’s rdbms software amd clusterware. We can find opatch utility in $ORACLE_HOME/Opatch directory. 

For example, let we apply patch number 11114547  to our database.

Applying Patch:

1- Backup Oracle Home directory.

       $ tar -cf ora11g.tar ora11g

2- Download patch file via metalink. And copy it to database server.

3- Unzip the patch file.

       $ unzip

4- Apply patch with opatch utility.

       $ cd 11114547

       $ ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply

To see list of applied patches :

        $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory

For example:

        $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lsinventory

   Invoking OPatch

Oracle Interim Patch Installer version

Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.

Oracle Home : /oracle/ora10g

Central Inventory : /oracle/oraInventory

from : /etc/oraInst.loc
OPatch version :

OUI version :

OUI location : /oracle/ora10g/oui

Log file location : /oracle/ora10g/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2017-09-14_12-13-12PM.log

Patch history file: /oracle/ora10g/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch_history.txt
Lsinventory Output file location : /oracle/ora10g/cfgtoollogs/opatch/lsinv/lsinventory2017-09-14_12-13-12PM.log

Installed Top-level Products (3):

Oracle Database 10g

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Patch Set 3

Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Patch Set 4

There are 3 products installed in this Oracle Home.

Interim patches (2) :

Patch 8943287 : applied on Fri Oct 21 20:39:46 EEST 2011

Unique Patch ID: 12722995

Created on 23 Aug 2010, 11:45:16 hrs PST8PDT

Bugs fixed:


Rollback applied patch:

Sometimes a patch is applied to the system may need to take back because of its effect. In this case, rollback is performed as follows.

$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch rollback -id 11114547

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Gather diagnostic Information using TFA in Oracle Database

Oracle Trace File Analyzer (TFA) provides a number of diagnostic tools in a single bundle, making it easy to gather diagnostic information about the Oracle database and clusterware, which in turn helps with problem resolution when dealing with Oracle Support.

If possible we should install Oracle Trace File Analyzer as root. This will give you the highest capabilities. If Oracle Trace File Analyzer is already installed, reinstalling will perform an upgrade to the existing location. If it is not already installed, the recommended location is /opt/oracle.tfa

To install as root:

Download the appropriate Oracle Trace File Analyzer zip, copy to required machine and unzip.
Run the installTFA command: $ ./installTFA

To install as an ORACLE_HOME owner use the –extractto option. This tells Oracle Trace File Analyzer where to install to. The installer includes a JVM, but if you want to use one already installed use the –javahome option to point to it.

./installTFA -extractto -javahome

If we do not want to use ssh, we can install on each host using a local install. Then we use tfactl syncnodes to generate and deploy the relevant SSL certificates.

Now the time to collect TFA.

Please run TFA which collects all clusterware logs from all nodes (needs to be done as root from node1's gi_home): 

TFA from each node: 
==> TFA Collector- The Preferred Tool for Automatic or ADHOC Diagnostic Gathering Across All Cluster Nodes ( Doc ID 1513912.1 ) 

/bin/tfactl diagcollect -all -from "" -to "
/bin/tfactl diagcollect -all -since [2d|8h] 
/bin/tfactl diagcollect -for "" <--- 12hrs="" after="" and="" before="" collect="" font="" given="" nbsp="" the="" time="" will="">

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Generate Incident Report in Oracle Database

The Automatic Diagnostics Repository (ADR) is a hierarchical file-based repository for handling diagnostic information. 

Directory structure is as:


To generate incident report quickly, we can follow the below steps:

adrci> show problem
adrci> show incident

adrci> show incident -mode detail -p "incident_id=incident_no" 
adrci> ips create package problem <problem_id>correlate all
adrci> ips generate package  in "/tmp"

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Set up password less authentication in ssh

To setup SSH passwordless authentication(User Equivalence) Between 2 Servers Linux, we can follow the below steps.

Lets assume we have only 2 servers : ServerA, ServerB and we need to configure password-less login between both the servers.

We need to login to ServerA and identify the .ssh directory exists under the home directory

In case it doesn't exist we can create it.

cd /root

mkdir .ssh

chmod 700 .ssh

On Linux for root user it is normally /root/.ssh

$ cd /root/.ssh

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

This will create 2 files id_rsa and One is a private key file and other is the public key file.

$ cat >> auth_keys_a

Now copy this file to the ServerB using scp utility

$ scp auth_keys_a root@ServerB:/root/.ssh

Now on ServerB identify the .ssh directory which should ideally be on the same location /root/.ssh
$ cd /root/.ssh

$ ssh-keygen - rsa

This will again create the public and private keyfile

$ cat >> auth_keys_b

Now scope this file back to ServerA

$ scp auth_keys_b root@ServerA:/root/.ssh

Now we can try to ssh between the nodes

From ServerA

ssh root@serverB

From ServerB

ssh root@serverA

Friday, August 23, 2019

SQLplus user profile; showing connection name in the sqlplus prompt

SQLplus user profile is maintained in the file glogin.sql which is executed at the time of login in to a database connection. The default location of this file is


Usually when a query is executed through sqlplus terminal, at first it tries to fetch profile form the current directory, if no there in that case from the default location.

Suppose, by defualt if we connect to a database using  sqlplus, it dones not show the connected database information in the screen.  It only prompts with: 


Now if we want to  show the connected database information in the sqlplus command line as:


In that case, we cas easily do that by modification in the glogin file as below:

set sqlprompt "_user '@' _connect_identifier >"

There are some other keywords for using in glogin file as:

Followed by a number, sets the number of characters as page width of the query results.
Followed by a number format (such as $99,999), sets the default format for displaying numbers in query results.
Followed by a number, sets the number of lines per page.
Followed by ON, causes SQL*Plus to pause at the beginning of each page of output (SQL*Plus continues scrolling after you enter Return). Followed by text, sets the text to be displayed each time SQL*Plus pauses (you must also set PAUSE to ON).
Followed by the connect information variable in the form:
changes the SQL*Plus command-line prompt to display the SID of the database you are connected to.
Followed by ON, displays the current time before each command prompt.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Removing particular Host name form SSH known_host list

To remove a specific host from the SSH known_hosts list. we can use the below command:

ssh-keygen -R hostname
Instead of hostname, we can directly use the IP also.

 If we want to remove non-standard ssh port,  then we can use this format

ssh-keygen -R []:[port no]

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Stop NetworkManager to overwrite /etc/resolv.conf

Network manager overwrite the /etc/resolv.conf file. To stop overwriting this file. We can follwo the below steps

# systemctl disable NetworkManager.service
# systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
Or If we don't want to stop or disable the network manager service, in that case. We will have to tell NetwoekManager not to modify the DNS settings:


SSH Server related basic command


To install the openssh-server, you need to install the openssh-server package:
sudo dnf install -y openssh-server;


To start the sshd daemon (openssh-server) in the current session:
sudo systemctl start sshd.service;


To stop the active (if any) sshd daemon in the current session:
sudo systemctl stop sshd.service;


To configure the sshd daemon to start automatically at boot time:
sudo systemctl enable sshd.service;
You will get an output similar to this:
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service' '/etc/systemd/system/'


To configure the sshd daemon to stop automatic initialization at boot time:

sudo systemctl disable sshd.service;

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Hiding menu items of Navigation Drawer of Android to manage dynamic menu display

Navigation Drawer in android development is an important feature  that we can implement on demand.  In the navigation drawer different types of menu resides. In some case, we may need to load different menu options in the navigation drawer depending on users types. This can be implemented easily by hiding menu items from the already existing drawer.

NavigationView naviView;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

private void hideItem()
     naviView = (NavigationView) findViewById(;
     Menu naviMenu = naviView.getMenu();

The above hideItem() function will invisible the item nav_create from the menu of the drawer.

N.B: Menu itmes exist in res->menu->_drawer.xml  
     _drawer.xml point from the .xml of res->layout

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

iptables in hp ux

IPTABLES are not used in hpux , iptables used only in linux.

Using Ipfilter to block connections from an external machine to our HPUX box
Wed, 08/12/2009 - 15:04 — liquid

This is a quick introduction to Ipfilter on HP-UX:

First we have to start the daemons and load the DLKM module

in the file /etc/rc.config.d/ipfconf

we set the IPF_START to 1


Then we load the kernel module

# /sbin/init.d/ipfboot start
Set 0 now inactive
Set 0 now inactive
0 entries flushed from NAT table
0 entries flushed from NAT list

we can check the kernel module is loaded:

# kcmodule| grep ipf
ipf loaded explicit auto-loadable, unloadable

then we check ipf is working ok:

# ipf -V
ipf: HP IP Filter: v3.5alpha5 (A. (376)
Kernel: HP IP Filter: v3.5alpha5 (A.
Running: yes <---- font="" ok="">
Log Flags: 0 = none set
Default: pass all, Logging: available
Active list: 1

know we can write the firewall rules to our config file:

# vi /etc/opt/ipf/ipf.conf

we are going to use a very easy example, we we block any incoming conections from the server 0189 to our HP-UX box

block in quick on lan0 from 0189 to any
pass in from any to any

using the quick keyword makes the package that matches that rule will be applied inmediatly, no going trough anymore rules.

We load the new config:

#ipf -Fa -f /etc/opt/ipf/ipf.conf

Check if our rules are active:

# ipfstat -io
empty list for ipfilter(out)
block in quick on lan0 from to any
pass in from any to any

Now i can't ssh,ping,etc the HPUX_BOX from my pc desktop:

P:\>ping HPUX_BOX

Haciendo ping a HPUX_BOX [] con 32 bytes de datos:

Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.
Tiempo de espera agotado para esta solicitud.

Estadísticas de ping para :
Paquetes: enviados = 4, recibidos = 0, perdidos = 4
(100% perdidos),

We can check out the stats and see how the blocked counter increases:

[root@vmfcont:~]# ipfstat | grep -i blocked
input packets: blocked 7 passed 13677 nomatch 1 counted 0 short 0
output packets: blocked 0 passed 570 nomatch 268 counted 0 short 0

If we wan't to flush the rules and delete them from the active ipf:

# ipf -Fa
# ipfstat -io
empty list for ipfilter(out)
empty list for ipfilter(in)

For more info: